Backwoods cigars are brought to you by Altadis, a major driving force in the machine-made cigar industry. Altadis ensures that each batch of Backwoods that leaves their factories maintains the consistent quality that every customer demands. It’s no wonder that Backwoods has been named the number one selling all-natural cigar in the world. With their honey bourbon variety, Backwoods shows that they aren’t resting on these laurels. Instead, they are out there innovating and creating new, exciting smoking experiences for their devoted fans.
Backwoods Honey Bourbon Cigars Box
+ Free ShippingBackwoods cigars are brought to you by Altadis, a major driving force in the machine-made cigar industry. Altadis ensures that each batch of Backwoods that leaves their factories maintains the consistent quality that every customer demands. It’s no wonder that Backwoods has been named the number one selling all-natural cigar in the world. With their honey bourbon variety, Backwoods shows that they aren’t resting on these laurels. Instead, they are out there innovating and creating new, exciting smoking experiences for their devoted fans.